Friday, February 10, 2012

King Ruffy and the New Camera

OK......... King Ruffy has had enough of this. Mommy got a new camera today and here wont leave me alone. She keeps saying she needs to learn to use her camera and all the settings and everything....... but when I told mommy to put me in the blog I thought she was going to put a story about my greatness and all my adventures but instead she is driving me crazy with a camera that she can make stupid pictures ob me. Not my best est poses. hmmmmmmp

Your right Ruffy... I should blog about some of your adventures. I will keep that in mind for another day. I'm just not sure how many people would believe your great adventures and not have me committed but I will consider it in the future............

Who knows maybe some day mommy will have to write a book about you and forest's great adventures..... There is a nice cast of characters to add to it to. Of course we would have to see if they would want to be in your book for all to see  .....well lets say..... not really normal behavior for well basset houndies. hmmmmmm

1 comment:

  1. But we love Ruffy's adventures,especially when he has fun at the Basset cave.I'm almost sure it all really happens,considering my boy disappeared with him this past weekend!!
